Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Endless sequences of technical difficulties, the details of which I'll spare you, have prevented me of posting any sooner. They have all been resolved and luckily so, as I wouldn't dare keep you from the image above. I secretely took it while attending an Ardam cult weather ceremony. The trip there was easier than anticipated. A short ride by boomer to the northern border of the BXL.SPHERE and one of the boomboats to the flooded area of what used to be ADM.SPHERE. The densely populated floating decks should convince any GovMan to reinstate its SPHEREstat. However the lack thereof did give space for the strangest and most liberating movements to emerge. As demonstrated by the Ardam ceremony I was allowed to witness. Peaceful and superstitious they are. Praying to the clouds for guidance. And despite my inbred scepticism I wouldn't dare break the magic they see and live. Better yet, their Sahn-na (a sort of head priestess) invited me along to the forthcoming Ardihm camp. A two week trajectory for Ardam children on one of the remote floatSPHERES they built outside the grasp of Gov supervision. Trees, dunes, beaches, everything one could imagine. Needless to say, I accepted the offer. How could I not...

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